Home is the first place of education and parents are first
teacher in everyone’s life. In our childhood, we get first impression of
education from our home especially form our mother. Our parents let us know the
importance of good education in the life. When we become three or four years
old, we sent to the school for the proper, regular and sequential study where
we have to give many exams and then we get a pass certificate for one class.
Slowly we go ahead by passing our one by one class until we get passed
successfully till 12th standard.
Then start preparations for getting admission to the technical or professional
degree which is called as higher study. Higher study is very necessary for all
to get good and technical job in the life.
We become a well educated person in the life by the efforts
of our parents and teachers. They are real well wishers of us who helps us in
leading our life towards success. Now-a-days, many governmental programmes have
been implemented to enhance the education system so that everyone may get
access to the proper education. Lots of advertisements are shown on the TV and
news to make people aware of the advantages and importance of education
especially in the rural areas as people in backward or rural areas do not want
to study because of poorness and improper understating towards the education.
Earlier the education system was so tough and costly, poor
people were not able to get higher studies after the 12th standard.
There was so much differences and inequality in the society among people.
People of higher caste were studying well and people of lower caste were not
allowed to study in the schools and colleges. However currently, the whole
criteria and theme of education has been changed to a great level. There are
many rules and regulations have been made and implemented by the Indian
government to make education system accessible and less costly for all level of
people. Most importantly the distance learning programmes has made higher
studies so simple and cheap so that people from backwards areas, poor people
and people living good life may get equal access to the education and success
in the future. Well educated people make the healthy pillar of the country and
lead it ahead in the future. So, education is the tool which can make every
impossible thing possible in the life, society and nation.